Juvenile Justice Training Academy

JCO Training
JCOs learning safe holds within “Handle with Care” training.

The Juvenile Justice Training Academy (JJTA) supports learning and provides training resources to an array of individuals involved in the delivery of juvenile justice in Texas.

JJTA advocates for resources for juvenile justice professionals within and outside the agency and commits to deliver relevant and applicable instruction to potential, new, and current individuals in juvenile justice. JJTA sustains its collaborative relationships through shared communication and guidance between TJJD and our county partners.

For training questions, questions about the JJTA, or to be connected to an agency team member, please see the contacts below on this page.

Sponsored Trainings

TJJD Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Training Opportunities will be posted here when available.

Visit the Regional Training Portal to search training programs by topic, date, region, or keyword. 

You may also request a training opportunity to be listed in the Regional Training Portal by visiting the Training Submission Portal. To access the portal, call the TJJD Training Department at (512) 490-7628.

Professional Resources for Officer Virtual Education (PROVE)

PROVE your commitment to professional development and join the Juvenile Justice Training Academy (JJTA) team to access free professional development training. These short workshops will be virtual through GoTo Meeting or Zoom. The Juvenile Justice Training Academy is inviting any Texas juvenile justice professional to venture into the world of virtual education and become a workshop presenter. It is our belief that there is a wealth of knowledge, experience and untapped training potential that just needs a forum. We want you to consider trying out that PowerPoint presentation you have been holding onto for just the right time. That workshop you have been telling yourself one day you will do at a conference. PROVE to everyone that time is now. This is your opportunity to shine and represent juvenile justice in Texas. Send us your workshop ideas and we can be your host!

Next PROVE event is June 10, 2025: Register HERE!

Workshop titles, descriptions and speaker biography can be accessed when you register.

Motivational Interviewing

Andy Fazzio | Facilitator and Trainer

Andy Fazzio
Andy Fazzio

Andy has worked in the criminal justice field for over 25 years in various positions. Andy worked in Oregon for the Oregon Youth Authority for over 15 years. Andy has extensive experience working on a team to design and train curriculum for juvenile as well as adult assessment tools and evidence-based communication methods such as Motivational Interviewing. He has trained all of what used to be called TYC in the PACT, Case Planning and Motivational Interviewing as well as many counties in Texas. Presently, Andy works as a training specialist providing primarily Motivational Interviewing around the agency, parole, probation, facility, JJAEP, county as well as state organizations. Andy currently offers both in-person and virtual events which can be found HERE. Among these are 2-day introductory and booster training events. There are training options to review and discuss coding as well. For questions or to host an event please contact Andy at andrea.fazzio@tjjd.texas.gov


Upcoming Webinars

Register for an upcoming webinar by choosing a link below.

Current Drug TrendsMarch 27, 20252 Hours
Accepting Our Roots: Breaking the Cycle of Generational Dysfunction A Program by Therapy TakeawaysApril 8, 20252 Hours
Victim Services: Victim’s rights within The Juvenile Justice SystemApril 10, 20252 Hours
Internal Crisis Leadership ***Eligible for Management Hours***May 5, 20252 Hours
Connection through Conversation: Promoting Youth ResilienceMay 15, 20252 Hours
Fit to Proceed: Best Practices in Competency Based Restoration CollaborationMay 30, 20252 Hours Eligible for Management HoursSpeaker Bio

Recurring Webinars

Training Tuesdays with Texas Prevention and Early Intervention
Join experts in Prevention and Early Intervention from the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services each Tuesday from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. as they explore current, relavent topics with PEI speakers and guest experts.

Archived Webinars

Basic Digital Safety: Securing Your Digital Footprint February 11, 2020 2.00 None
Become a Compass Leader April 22, 2020 1.50 / 1.50 Management Handout
Clinical Issues in Juvenile Fitness and Responsibility Evaluations September 16, 2021 1.50 / 1.50 Management Handout
Compass Leader: Sustaining a Zombie Free Zone  June 30, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Determinate Sentence Offenders Statutes and Procedures May 13, 2024 1.5 Hours Management None
DSA/SNDP Outcomes November 4, 2021 1.00 Handout
Effective Onboarding – A Guide for Managers & Supervisors November 14, 2023 1.50 Management Hours Handout
Effective Written Communication: Writing Skills for Goal Setting, Evaluations and Communications November 7, 2024 1.25 Management Hours None
Fraternization and Manipulation: Do We Understand Our Boundaries October 15, 2024 1.50 Management Hours Handout
From Boring to Roaring: The A-Z Guide to PowerPoint October 4, 2019 1.00 None
HB1664 Review March 29, 2022 1.25 / 1.25 Management
The Impact of Mental Health on Leaders in a Correctional Setting April 22, 2024 1.5 Hours Management None
Interpersonal Effectiveness in the Workplace April 13, 2023 1.75 Hours
Kids at Hope – Introduction and Panel Discussion February 2, 2022 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Leadership in Today’s Juvenile Justice Environment March 11, 2021 2.00 None
Let’s Talk TAC: New Changes for 37 TAC Chapter 344 August 15, 2024 .75 Management Handout
Millennial Webinar January 24, 2017 1.50 Handout
New TAC Rule 341.304 – Requirement to Apply for Diversion September 19, 2024 1.50 Management Handout
Priorities in Action: Civilian Response to Active Shooter December 11, 2017 1.50 None
Priorities in Action: Workplace Wellness July, 20, 2022 1.50 Handout
Proficiently Completing the Annual Resource Report Survey February 21, 2024 1.50 / 1.50 Management None
Securing Confidentiality: Automated Email Encryption and Password Update Protocols October 31, 2023 .75 Management Hours None
SEED Virtual Conference 2022
Managing Essentials and Handling Tough Employees Management Hours
May 19, 2022 1.75 / 1.75 Management None
Software Proficiency Webinar Series: Excel Intro May 30, 2019 1.50 Handout
Software Proficiency Webinar Series: Microsoft Teams April 30, 2020 1.50  None
Software Proficiency Webinar Series: Excel Tools for Creating and Managing Reports May 30, 2019 1.50 Handout
Software Proficiency Webinar Series: Word Advanced May 30, 2019 1.50 Handout
Software Proficiency Webinar Series: Word Intro May 20, 2019 1.50 Handout
Sunset Updates: Everything You Need to Know September 20, 2024 1.25 Management Handout
Tales of Citizens and Hermits: How Small Acts pay big dividends in a Leader’s most Important Relationships November 13, 2024 1.25 Hours Management None
Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Revisions – Recent and Proposed Revisions Relating to TAC Chapters 344 and 341 September 28, 2022 1.25 / 1.25 Management Handout
TJJD Certified Officer Discipline Process October 20, 2021 1.00 Management Handout
Toxic Environments September 16, 2021 1.50 / 1.50 Management None
What Did You Expect? – Understanding the Experiences of Female Staff in Secure Settings July 21, 2022 1.00 Management None
What OIG can do for you and your department May 6, 2021 1.00 Management None
Working with Chapter 55 in the Real World February 3, 2022 1.25 None
Youth Pending Admission to TJJD November 13, 2023 1.00 Management Handout 1: TJJD Admissions and MLOS Adjustment | Handout 2: Combined Forms for Committed Youth in Detention

Center for Child Protection Series: Effective Discipline & Building Self Esteem for Parents and Care Givers January 13, 2022 2.00 None
Characteristics of Human Trafficking April 23, 2024 2.00 None
Child Abuse & Neglect: What you need to Know March 25, 2020 2.00 None
Child Poverty, Trauma and Juvenile Justice September 8, 2021 2.00 Handout
Collaborative Efforts for Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth January 10, 2022 2.00 None
Considerations in Working with AAPI Populations November 3, 2022 1.00 Handout
Community Reentry for Justice Involved Youth February 20, 2019 1.00 None
Domestic Violence in the Time of COVID June 17, 2020 2.00 None
Effectively Engaging Teen Fathers September 21, 2022 2.00 / 2.00 Managemnent Handout
Effects of Domestic Violence on Children April 28, 2020 2.00 Handout
Ending the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Youth in Texas: Progress, Hope, and Lessons Learned September 14, 2021 2.00 None
Gangs: Indicators and Interventions March 10, 2021 2.00 None
Human Trafficking 101 and Common Thread September 10, 2020 2.00 Handout
Human Trafficking Training Course for Professionals, Staff and Volunteers at Youth Facilities and Organizations July 22, 2021 1.50 Handout
I’ll Be Watching You: Stalking in the 21st Century August 30, 2023 1.25 None
It’s Not Just Chores: When Familial Abuse Becomes Human Trafficking September 29, 2022 1.75 None
Juveniles: Dispositions, Child Welfare, and IDEA February 2, 2021 2.00 None
Keeping Kids Safe Online: A Workshop on Social Media Risks November 13, 2024 2.00 None
Municipal Courts March 4, 2021 2.00 None
Online Safety: Social Media and Our Kids November 14, 2024 1.50 None
Opioids: Impact and Enforcement in Texas
January 12, 2021 2.00 None
Rights of the Victim in Juvenile Crime April 14, 2020 2.00 None
Slave Labor: When Child Abuse Becomes Human Trafficking September 29, 2022 1.75 None
Suicide Prevention Addendum Girl Interrupted June 16, 2022 2.00 Handout
The Dangers of Social Media Websites and Apps That can Exploit Youth October 11, 2023 1.50 None
Trauma Through a Family Lens September 22, 2020 2.00 None
Understanding Dual Status Youth & The Impact You Have May 13, 2021 1.00 Handout
When Youth Ignore the Fine Print: Effective Strategies to Address Minor Violations April 4, 2019 2.00 None
Youth Voice March 21, 2019 2.00 None
When Juvenile Justice and Poverty Overlap: A Deeper Look September 20, 2023 2.00 None

Basic Gang Identification and Recognition * Language Advisory * May 18, 2016 2.00 CEU Participant Guide
Become a Supervision Pro: De-escalation Starts with You November 19, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Being a JSO – Part 1: On Working with Youth October 10, 2023 1.25 None
Being a JSO – Part 2: On the Role of a JSO October 10, 2023 1.25 None
Calming the Chaos – Reducing Stress in our Personal and Professional Lives May 5, 2020 2.00 None
A Flawless Diamond: 10 Strategies for Secure Facility Management June 3, 2021 2.00 Hour Handout
Gang Recognition, Symbols and Tattoos July 15, 2021 2.00 / 2.00 Management None
How to Identify and Report Child Abuse in Texas March 17, 2020 1.50 None
Incident Report Writing May 4, 2021 2.00 Participant Guide
Indeterminate MLOS Time Credit Project October 27, 2022 0.5 Handout
Juvenile Justice Gang Associated Misconduct and Mitigation Concepts September 15, 2021 1.5 None
Juvenile Supervision Officers: The Unsung Heroes of Juvenile Justice, Part 1 May 15, 2018 1.50 Handout
Juvenile Supervision Officers: The Unsung Heroes of Juvenile Justic, Part 2 May 17, 2018 1.50 None
Maintaining the Limits to Cross-Gender Supervision: Meeting the Challenge in Juvenile Corrections January 21, 2022 1.5 / 1.50 Management Handout
Non-Traditional Gangs: Juggalos March 9, 2022 2.00 None
Probation Officer Safety Training (POST) Series – Home Safety March 17, 2020 1.25 None
Randall County Regional Diversion Program June 23, 2020 1.00 None
Rapport Building Series: Social Connectivity & Building Relationships through Stories July 15, 2020 2.00 Handout
Safety Training for Office Personnel (STOP) Series – Office Safety March 19, 2020 1.25 None
Sex Offender Registration Training December 14, 2021 2.00 Handout
Social Media Gang Investigations March 23, 2021 2.00 None
TJJD Gang Programming Initiative September 15, 2021 1.50 None
Turning Stress Into a Strength: How to Cultivate Courage & Calm During Crisis  July 9, 2020 2.00 None
Using Experiential Activities in a Secure Setting May 20, 2021 2.00 Handout

Defining a Program and What Works
Advisory: Echo During Playback
March 7, 2017 2.00 Handout
Defining Program Activities, Program Fidelity, and Program Outputs April 18, 2017 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Defining Your Problem Statement, Goals and Outcomes April 5, 2017 2.00 Handout
Describing Your Programs Using Logic Models June 30, 2016 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Discretionary State Aid (DSA) Outcomes Workshop March 25, 2021 2.00 None
DSA Grant Application July 13, 2023 1.50 None
Grant Me Patience (Afternoon Broadcast Eligible For Management Hours) November 9, 2020 2.00 None
Grant Portal (FLUXX) Update for DSA Grants and RDA Applications August 22, 2023 2.00 / 2.00 hours Management Bios
Grant Writing Basics September 20, 2016 1.50 None
Outcome Evaluations For Your Programs May 30, 2017 1.50 / 1.50 Management Handout
Process Evaluations For Your Programs May 9, 2017 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
Regional Diversion Alternatives (RDA) – Back to Basics February 2, 2023 2.00 Handout
Regional Diversion Alternatives – Application to Aftercare December 3, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management None
TJJD Probation Portal Training – Discretionary State Aid (DSA) June 21, 2022 1.00 / 1.00 Management Handout
TJJD Probation Portal Training – General Session June 10, 2022 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
TJJD Probation Portal Training – Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) June 17, 2022 1.00 / 1.00 Management None
TJJD Probation Portal Training – Regional Diversion Alternatives (RDA) June, 27, 2022 1.00 / 1.00 Management None
TJJD Probation Portal Training – State Aid June 27, 2022 1.00 / 1.00 Management None
Understanding Risk-Needs-Responsivity and Target Population March 28, 2017 0.75 / 0.75 Management Handout

Best Practices to Prevent Occupational Exposure to Illicit Drugs October 17, 2024 1.25 Hours Management None
Beyond the Voice: Connection through Creativity September 15, 2021 1.00 None
Bite Prevention March 4, 2017 2.00 None
Decision Points: Group Facilitation Made Easy Aug 8, 2019 0.75 None
Department of Public Safety – Sex Offender Registration for Juveniles December 7, 2021 1.50 None
Establishing Paternity & Legal Fatherhood June 1, 2022 2.00 None
Ethical Decision Making Model: Practical Tools November 9, 2017 2.00 None
From In Re: Kent and In Re: Gault to 2020, a Review of Landmark Juvenile Justice Cases in the U.S. November 17, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management Handout
From Shame and Blame to Changing the Game January 10, 2019 1.50 None
Games and Kids December 18, 2024 1.50 None
Hard-Knock: Experiencing Life in the Eyes of Juvenile Gang Members
(Content Advisory – Multiple Videos Contain Explicit Lyrics and Scenes of Violence)
November 1, 2023 2 hours None
Hidden Passengers: The Untold Story of Sexually Exploited Youth July 13, 2021 2.00 None
Integrated Certification Information System (ICIS) Instructional Webinar June 5, 2017 0.50 None
Is There an FAQ that Applies to You? September 6, 2023 1.75 / 1.75 Management None
Juvenile Law Basics March 7, 2023 2.00 JJ101-Handout
Juvenile Records: Confidentiality, Sharing, Sealing December 9, 2020 2.00 None
Latino Youth Gangs with Haner Hernandez, PhD December 10, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management None
Legislative Updates & Nuts and Bolts of Juvenile Law – Day 1 September 21, 2023 1.50 / 1.50 Management Handout
Legislative Updates & Nuts and Bolts of Juvenile Law – Day 2
(There is a brief pause for the provided break at 1:26:41 – 1:28:32)
September 22, 2023 4.00 / 4.00 Management Handout
Paradigm Shifting with Positive Youth Development March 6, 2019 2.00 None
Posting and Boasting: Exploring the Social Media Landscape May 12, 2020 1.50 Handout
Put on a Hat and Hit the Road: The Small County JPO Experience September 19, 2018 2.00 None
Professionalism in the Workplace March 30, 2021 1.75 / 1.75 Management None
Registered Sex Offender Supervision December 14, 2022 2.00
Seeing Delinquency through a Trauma Lens March 6, 2019 2.00  None
Sex Ed 101 March 29,2018 1.00 None
Situational Awareness for Certified Officers (SAFCO) Series – Departmental Awareness September 12, 2024 1.25 None
Situational Awareness for Certified Officers (SAFCO) Series – Hidden in Plain Sight September 19, 2024 1.75 None
Situational Awareness For Certified Officers (SAFCO) Series – Monsters Among Us August 6, 2024 1.25 None
Situational Awareness for Certified Officers (SAFCO) Series – Preventing Workplace Violence August 8, 2024 1.50 None
Texas DPS Gang Awareness Series – Mexican Cartels June 13, 2024 2.00 None
Texas DPS Gang Awareness Series – OCIU Juvenile Gang Programs May 23, 2024 2.00 None
Texas DPS Gang Awareness Series – Street and Hybrid Gangs May 21, 2024 2.00 None
Texas DPS Gang Awareness Series – Transnational Gangs June 11, 2024 2.00 None
The Cost of Parenting and Child Support June 29, 2022 2.00 None
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Infection Control June 23, 2016 2.00 None
The Life Cycle of Human Trafficking December 22, 2015 2.5 CEU None
The Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) and Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Webinar February 21, 2024 1.50 None
TJJD Legal Help Desk Live March 30, 2021 2.00 None
Understanding Crowd Psychology: Implications for Policing and Public Order Management in Juvenile Justice November 26, 2024 1.75 None
Using Virtual Facilitation  August 20, 2020 2.00 None
Victim Notification: 2022 Victim Notification Training April 6, 2022 1.75 None
Where’s your Buddi? Effective, Easy & Innovative Electronic Monitoring Solutions That Keep You Informed August 1, 2024 1.25 None

ICIS Microlearning Series

Integrated Certification Information System
Eligible for Management Hours

The purpose of this microlearning series is to provide an additional resource for current or future authorized users of the Integrated Certification Information System or ICIS web-based platform. The series is intended to provide an option for learning styles that prefer an auditory and visual experience that provides brief manageable segments to learn and the ability to repeat and review the segments at the pace of the learner. Each segment is worth .25 credit hours unless otherwise indicated. You may use the generic form that is included under this tab to document your training. You may watch one episode or the complete series. Return as often as you want to review the series but be advised you should not seek additional training credit hours beyond what is allowed.

ICIS Microlearning Episode I: Definitions and Terms | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode II: Login Credentials and Access | .25 Hours
– Integrated Certification Information System (ICIS) User Authorization Request Form (.docx)

ICIS Microlearning Episode III: Major Functions Ribbon | .50 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode IV: Get to Know Your Tabs – General | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode V: Get to Know Your Tabs – JPO | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode VI: Get to Know Your Tabs – JSO/CAO | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode VII: Get to Know Your Tabs – MISC. | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode VIII: Get to Know Your Tabs – Training Records | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode IX: Get to Know Your Tabs – Application History & Competency Exam | .25 Hours

ICIS Microlearning Episode X: Adding an Employee | .25 hours

Generic Form for documentation – download and complete for your records.

ICJ: Supervision and Extradition for Probation Departments August 7, 2024 2 Hours Management Handout
Interstate Compact Placement of Children January 21, 2021 1.00 None

Excel for Ad Hoc Reports November 7, 2017 1.00 PresentationHandoutSurvey

Addiction Webinar Series presented by Prairie View A&M Understanding the Science of Addiction August 22, 2019 2.00 Handout
Addiction Webinar Series: Specific Drug Module Marijuana and Synthetic Endocannabinoids November 19, 2019 2.00 None
Addiction Webinar Series: Specific Drug Module Synthetics and Cathinones November 21, 2019 2.00 None
Addiction: How Attitudes and Beliefs Drive Behavior August 20, 2019 2.00 Handout
Baker’s Dozen Mental Health Series: I don’t want to stop and you can’t make me: Seven Challenges and Youth Substance Use May 14, 2019 1.50 None
Baker’s Dozen Mental Health Series: Psych Assessments: What Do They Mean and How Can They Help Me Help This Kid? April 24, 2019 2.00 None
Baker’s Dozen Webinar Series: For Your Information! JPDs and CRCGs June 21, 2019 2.00 Handout
Becoming Trauma Aware:
A Presentation by the Center for Child Protection
December 16, 2021 1.75 None
Center for Child Protection Series: Talking with Children about Safety from Sexual Abuse January 6, 2021 2.00 None
Child Sex Trafficking: America’s Hidden Slavery September 24, 2019 2.00 None
Courageous Connections: Supporting Healing through Relationship for Children & Youth April 14, 2021 2.00 Handout
COVID-19 and Poverty May 7, 2020 2.00 None
Diagnostic Labelling Bias and Psychopathology in Children & Adolescents
October 21, 2020 2.00 None
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Part 1 Feb. 9, 2023 2.00
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Part 2 Feb. 23, 2023 2.00
The Family Dream Team: Strengthening Family Bonds Feb. 7, 2023 1.00
Fentanyl Facts and Fiction: What You Need to Know August 16, 2023 2.00
Fentanyl: What is it? and How to Respond? September 13, 2024 1.50
Forensic Nursing, Sexual Assault, Trauma: What’s it all about? June 23, 2021 1.50 Handout
Juvenile Sexual Problems “A Growing Complex Issue” March 14, 2024 2.00
The Kids Aren’t All Right: Electronic Cigarettes & Kratom June 15, 2022 2.00 Handout
Living Intentionally with Poverty In Mind September 22, 2021 2.00 Hours Handout
Losing Your Focus? ACEs and Adults December 14, 2023 2.00 Hours Handout
Mental Health Screening Instrument Training May 30, 2023 2.00 Hours
Metaphor & Imagery: Leveraging the Creative Youthful Mind June 11, 2020 2.00 None
Predicting the Unpredictable. Suicide Assessment: Recognizing Risk and Formulating a Safety Plan November 24, 2020 2.00 / 2.00 Management None
Safety Planning for Children and Adolescents with Problematic or Illegal Sexual Behavior January 31, 2024 2.00 Handout
Sleep … The Untapped Tool to Optimize Health, Mental Wellness, Decision Making and Academic Success August 11, 2022 1.25 None
Trauma in Violent Crimes April 16, 2020 2.00 None
Treating the Traumatized Child and Family with Dr. Scott Sells December 8, 2020 2.75 / 2.75 Management None
Trends in Drug Abuse 2023 April 5, 2023 1.5 Hours
Use of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in Juvenile Justice March 14, 2023 2.00
Ways to Bolster Resilience: A Stress Inoculation Training Approach June 8, 2022 2.00 Handout
Windows to the Soul January 12, 2023 2.00 Handout
Working with Child Victims of Children and Teens with Problematic and Illegal Sexual Behavior January 17, 2024 2.00 Handout

Motivational Interviewing Microlearning Webinar Series

Motivational Interviewing | A Journey to Change

The purpose of this ten-part microlearning webinar series is to support staff new to Motivational Interviewing (MI) with reviewing skills recently acquired and to support ongoing practice. In addition, it is intended to be used by more experienced MI users when there is a need to review one or several competencies. This series is not intended to replace attendance at an MI training class. While watching each segment of the series is equivalent to .25 training hours, watching all of the recordings does not indicate you will receive a certificate of completion for Motivational Interviewing.

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #1

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #2

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #3

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #4

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #5

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #6

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #7

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #8

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #9

Motivational Interviewing: A Journey to Change #10

Description and Advisory
The purpose of the Texas Model Series is to discuss different aspects and components of the Texas Model. This 12 part series will talk about attachment, trauma, teamwork, connection, and a variety of different topics that make up the Texas Model.

Texas Model Training Series Topic 1
The Most Important Factor in Care Giving
May 3, 2021 2.0 Presentation
Texas Model Training Series Topic 2
Regulation Strategies In Juvenile Justice Facilities
April 29, 2021 2.0 Presentation
Texas Model Training Series Topic 3
The Power of Connection: Guiding and Empowering Safety
May 11, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 4
Survey Says—Teamliness: Texas Model Research and the Importance of Connection
May 27, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 5
Compassionate Design
June 8, 2021 1.0 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 6
Shaping Refresher with Texas Model Perspective
June 22, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 7
Lessons Learned: Rolling out of the Texas Model
July 8, 2021 1.5 None
Texas Model Series Topic 8
Mindfully Aware of Myself: How My Mindfulness Impacts Others
July 28, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 9
MAPS – Making a Plan for Success In an Educational Setting
August 12, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 10
The Power of Connection: Connecting and Regulating Children from Hard Places
August 18, 2021 1.5 Presentation
Texas Model Series Topic 11
Leaning Into Courage
September 9, 2021 1.5 Presentation

Professional Training

Advisory: The following training resources correlate to specific training topics some of which may be required under Texas Juvenile Justice Department standards. The information contained in these presentations has been made available as a public service to juvenile justice practitioners as an example instructional tool to be utilized in departmental, regional or interagency trainings. The presentation modules have been prepared and compiled as a useful reference resource for trainers or juvenile justice practitioners wishing to gain a general understanding of a specific mandatory topic, but they are NOT to be construed as a comprehensive or original source of administrative or statutory law or other juvenile justice related-practice or theory. Each user, through independent research, preparation and knowledge, must determine how the information can facilitate and/or enhance the training experience.

Disclaimer: While the TJJD makes reasonable efforts to use reliable, credible resources and to update material contained on this webpage, the TJJD and the State of Texas makes no warranty as to the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information and shall not be liable for any errors, omissions or the failure to keep this information current. The availability of the resources contained on this webpage does not constitute such a warranty. This information has been provided by TJJD on the basis that the user will assume all risks associated with its use and sole responsibility for checking the accuracy, completeness and/or suitability of the materials provided.

For questions or comments regarding professional training, please contact us at (512) 490-7628 or juvenilejusticetrainingacademy@tjjd.texas.gov.

Basic Mandatory Curricula

Click on the links below to view training materials for each topic.

Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: Identification | Reporting | Prevention
Adolescent Development and Behavior
Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Proceedings
Courtroom Proceedings and Dispositional Recommendations
Cultural Competency
Healing Within: A Guide to Juvenile Mental Health Wellness
Officer Safety: Stay Alert, Don’t Get Hurt
Personalized Case Management
Prison Rape Elimination Act: Purpose and Goals
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Texas Family Code and Related Law
The Role of a Juvenile Probation Officer
Trauma Informed Care
Understanding Professional Liability
Review Activities
JSO/JPO Basic Review Jeopardy Game
JSO/JPO Basic Review Quiz Time Game

E-learning Courses

1 hour credit each, unless otherwise noted.

These e-learning courses are provided as an alternative to a live training presentation. The Juvenile Justice Training Academy does not guarantee that this option is in any way more or less suitable to prepare the trainee for the performance of their job duties. It is the sole responsibility of the employer to ensure that trainees are adequately prepared for the TJJD certification exam. Scenarios may be included, however, activities have been removed when interaction or engagement with others would be required. Scenarios, if used, are to evaluate comprehension of the material by the trainee and not intended to provide examples from the certification exam. Upon completion of viewing this e-learning course, the employer is responsible for completing any and all necessary documentation that the training on this mandatory topic was completed by the trainee. No certificate will be generated after viewing this e-course.

Juvenile Probation Officers and Juvenile Supervision Officers may document their participation in a Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) sponsored e-learning course utilizing TJJD’s Credit for Webinar or E-Learning Course. TJJD does not provide additional documentation that verifies your participation or attendance for instruction. Documentation may be used to assist with tracking hours for certification of officers. It is the responsibility of the employing department or facility to maintain a record of an employee’s earned training hours in accordance with department/facility policies and procedures and TJJD administrative rules.

Basic Mandatory Curricula

For questions or comments regarding JPO curriculum, please send a message to juvenilejusticetrainingacademy@tjjd.texas.gov

Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation: Identification I Reporting I Prevention
Adolescent Development and Behavior
Code of Ethics and Disciplinary Proceedings
Communicable Diseases
Cultural Competency
Healing Within: A Guide to Juvenile Mental Health Wellness
Juvenile Rights
Prison Rape Elimination Act: Purpose and Goals
Suicide Prevention and Intervention
Texas Family Code and Related Law
Trauma Informed Care
Understanding Professional Liability
Review Activities
JSO/JPO Basic Review Jeopardy Game
JSO/JPO Basic Review Quiz Time Game

E-learning Courses

1 hour credit each, unless otherwise noted

These e-learning courses are provided as an alternative to a live training presentation. The Juvenile Justice Training Academy does not guarantee that this option is in any way more or less suitable to prepare the trainee for the performance of their job duties. It is the sole responsibility of the employer to ensure that trainees are adequately prepared for the TJJD certification exam. Scenarios may be included, however, activities have been removed when interaction or engagement with others would be required. Scenarios, if used, are to evaluate comprehension of the material by the trainee and not intended to provide examples from the certification exam. Upon completion of viewing this e-learning course, the employer is responsible for completing any and all necessary documentation that the training on this mandatory topic was completed by the trainee. No certificate will be generated after viewing this e-course.

Juvenile Probation Officers and Juvenile Supervision Officers may document their participation in a Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) sponsored e-learning course utilizing TJJD’s Credit for Webinar or E-Learning Course. TJJD does not provide additional documentation that verifies your participation or attendance for instruction. Documentation may be used to assist with tracking hours for certification of officers. It is the responsibility of the employing department or facility to maintain a record of an employee’s earned training hours in accordance with department/facility policies and procedures and TJJD administrative rules.

REQUIRED CURRICULA PROVIDED BY TJJD (Other required topics should be coordinated and/or provided by the department.)


  • Prison Rape Elimination Act e-Learning Course for Select TJJD Staff
  • Professional Liability

In accordance with agency policy, TJJD UTMB medical staff are required to take the Prison Rape Elimination Act E-Course annually. Once you have successfully completed the course, please print the certificate of completion for your records. Approximately one week later, your information will be provided to TJJD’s Medical Services administration as verification the course was successfully passed and you are in compliance with this required training. If you have questions about this e-Course or the instructions provided, please email the Juvenile Justice Training Academy.

Once you have successfully completed the course, please print the certificate of completion for your records. Information regarding the successful completion of the course will be provided to TJJD’s Family, Community, and Chaplaincy Programs administration. If you have questions about this e-Course or the instructions provided, please email the Juvenile Justice Training Academy.

  • GovLoop Academy offers free, practical and impactful online learning experiences to federal, state, and local government innovators to help them do their jobs better. Courses have been created in career development, citizen engagement, cloud, communications, finance, human resources, innovation, leadership and management, mentoring, procurement, project management and technology. Registration and creation of an account is required to ensure your employment with a governmental entity.
  • Microsoft Virtual Academy provides free, online training to help individuals learn the latest technology, build their skills, and advance their careers. Whether you need training in Microsoft Office products such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint or SharePoint, or need to advance your skills in database configurations, servers and anything in between.
  • National Criminal Justice Training Center (of Fox Valley Technical College) offers a free on demand learning platform that has self-paced courses and/or live or recorded webinars. To access the material, click on the orange “subscribe” button. It will redirect you to a registration page where you create a student account and once you have done that you register for access to the On Demand site. Once your registration is vetted (verifying you are a criminal justice professional, have a valid email address, etc.), you will receive an email with instructions on how to log into Blackboard and access all the On Demand Learning that is offered.
  • National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Learning Center provides free learning and education to staff of state, local and federal corrections. Topics include leadership, jail and prison programming, offender reentry, and corrections mental health. For new users, an account must be created in order to take advantages of the courses provided.

Certification & ICIS

Certification FAQ

For pre-approval of training that qualifies for certification/certification renewal credit, please refer to the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §344.660. If there are still questions, please submit your request to John.Kinsey@tjjd.texas.gov, and include descriptions, website links, or documentation such as lesson plans, or PowerPoint slides. Certificates of completion or sign in sheets are not adequate documentation for this purpose.

If your link to the ICIS log-in page is not working, here are some tips:

Make sure you have the most current link: https://www2.tjjd.texas.gov/loginportal/Account/Login.aspx. If that was the issue, please delete any old bookmarks, favorites or shortcuts with the previous link, and then you can create new ones. If you are still having problems with the new link, you may need to clear out your Internet Explorer browsing history:

  • Select “Tools”
  • Select “Internet Options”
  • Under “Browsing history” select “Delete…”
  • Check boxes for: Temporary Internet Files and website files, Cookies and website data, History
  • Select “Delete”

If none of these fixes work, please contact our IT help desk: EnterpriseSupport@tjjd.texas.gov.

Please check the ICIS Application FAQ; it is available as a tab here and under HELP in ICIS. Most ICIS questions are answered here.

We do not offer certificates for our Webinars. Live webinars will usually send you a form to document your attendance. To document that you completed an archived Webinar on our website, you can use this form:

To be eligible for certification as a new Juvenile Probation Officers (JPO) or Juvenile Supervision Officers (JSO) individuals must pass the TJJD Certification Exam with a score of 70% or higher. The exam for each certification type covers all applicable Mandatory Topics (JPO or JSO). Departments or facilities that proctor the certification exam must ensure the proctor complies with TJJD’s Proctoring Agreement. If you have additional questions about the exam, please contact john.kinsey@tjjd.texas.gov.

For the Initial Certification Applications, the requirements are: JPO – 80 hours; JSO – 80 hours; and CAO – 40 hours.

For the Renewal Certification Applications, the requirements are: JPO – 60 hours; JSO – 80 hours; and CAO – 40 hours.

Depending on the volume of applications submitted, it may take more time than usual to review an application. Applications that have met all requirements and have been submitted before the renewal date (plus the one month grace period) will not go inactive or expire while pending.  Officers can continue performing their duties, and the certification remains active.

ICIS Application FAQ

How do I create a file for a new employee?
Log into your ICIS and click on “Add New Employee” in the green box in the upper right. Fill out the form and remember to click “Save” at the bottom of each tab as you go. The employee will then show up under “Personnel” on the blue bar. You continue to add or make changes to the record. To open the file, click on their name.

How do I enter a new training that an officer has just attended?
Click on “Create Training Event” in the box on the upper right. This will take you to the form to create the training. Remember to click “Save” at the bottom of each tab.

Where do I add the mandatory topics covered in a training?
Go to “Training Events” on the blue bar on top where the training was created and click on the training title to open it. If the training is not listed, change the default from “Recent and Upcoming” to “All” on the right. There are 3 tabs: General, Mandatory Topics Covered, and Current Roster. When you click on “Mandatory Topics Covered” you will see a list of topics broken down into General Mandatory (for both JSO and JPO), JPO Mandatory, JSO Mandatory, and Other Required Topics (for JSOs working in a facility).

*Note: The 4 CAO Mandatory topics are marked with an asterisk.* Click on all of the topics that were covered in this particular training. Remember to click “Save” at the bottom when finished.

How do I add a training event to someone’s record in ICIS?
Go to “Training Events” on the blue bar on top, and search for the training you want to add. If you do not see it, click on “All” on the right side (instead of “recent and upcoming”). Open the training by clicking on the title. Then, click on “Add/Remove Personnel to the Roster” link on the upper right side box. You will be directed to the screen with a list of your personnel. Click on the box next to their name(s) on the left side column, and then click on the green arrow pointing to the right. This will put them in the roster, and the training will show up in their individual record(s). Remember to always click “Save” on the bottom of each page.

How do I remove a training from someone’s record in ICIS?
Go to “Training Events” on the blue bar on top, and search for the training you want. Click on “Add/Remove Personnel to the Roster” on the upper right side, then click the box next to their name in the right side column, and click the green arrow pointing to the left, then “Save” on the bottom. This will remove the training from their record.

Is there a way to type a training one time, and then make some changes to it without having to retype everything when it occurs again?
Yes. Open the training you want to copy, and click on “Copy this Training” in the box on the right. This opens a duplicate draft of the training to which you can make changes in any field. Remember to click “Save” at the bottom of each page.

How do I delete a training event?
First, you must remove everyone from the roster. Then click on “Delete this Training” in the right side box. This action is not reversible. Please be certain you want to delete a training before you do this.

How do I edit the credit hours for one officer who did not attend the entire training?
Open the officer’s record, and go to their “Training Records” tab. Click on the training event you want to edit, update the information with the appropriate number of credit hours and click “Save”. These changes will not show up in the general “Training Events.”

How do I correct the date, description, or other information in a training I created?
You must make these types of changes in the “Training Event,” which will then show up in each attendee’s record.

What does the blue round arrow mean next to a training event in an officer’s ICIS record?
The round blue arrow indicates it is a rollover training. When an application is approved, any training that was listed in the officer’s record but was not selected for the certification or renewal application will show up as an available rollover training during the next certification period. You are allowed to use up to 20 hours of rollover trainings for the next renewal period.

What is the FACT Clearinghouse?
The Department of Public Safety (DPS) will set you up with your department’s secure DPS website where your department can conduct its Criminal History Checks. When you send an applicant to be fingerprinted electronically through the FAST System at a DPS vendor’s location, the individual’s record automatically goes into your FACT Clearinghouse, and you will be subscribed to that individual’s record. If the individual is ever arrested, your department will receive an email of the event.

If a certified officer is transferred to our county from another county, do we need to send them to a FAST location to be fingerprinted again?
If you employ an individual who is already certified and in the FAST System under a different juvenile probation department, log in to your secure DPS website and perform a name based search, using their name and date of birth. When the record is located, you can open it and click “Subscribe to this Record.” This will put them in your FACT Clearinghouse.

If an individual works at more than one department, can they both subscribe to their record?

If we employ an individual who is in the FAST System under another state agency or different entity, can we conduct the name-based search and subscribe to their record in the FAST System?
If, in their Applicant Details page, you see: “HAS ACTIVE FBI RAP BACK” and “FRB Subscription Confirmed” shows “TRUE,” you can subscribe to their record. If not, they must be electronically fingerprinted at a FAST location. If you are not sure, please contact DPS (information below).

Should we ever unsubscribe to someone’s DPS record in our FACT Clearinghouse?
If an individual in your FACT Clearinghouse leaves employment, you must always unsubscribe to their record.

Are we required to submit any information to DPS to rerun the FBI check for certification renewals?
Anyone who was electronically printed after 1/15/2018 is automatically put in the FBI’s Rap Back. Once an officer is in the FBI Rap Back, there is no longer a need to email DPS to update their record. The officer’s FACT Clearinghouse FBI record will not show a new date unless there is an event. In this case, for certification renewal applications, you can just enter the date you checked as the “Date FAST Criminal History Search Completed” date in ICIS on the “Misc.” tab. This date is good for 6 months from when you submit the application, and this is the only place where the CH gets updated in ICIS (there is also a “FACT Subscription Date” on the first ‘General’ tab, and that date remains the same throughout their employment with you).

For officers printed between 6/1/2015 – 1/15/2018, they are eligible for the FBI Rap Back, and there is no need for them to be printed again. If you’re not sure if the officer is already in the FBI Rap-Back, please contact DPS to ask. Here is the contact information for DPS:

DPS Crime Records Services
CH records check process; county codes; access to Secure DPS website; or updating an FBI CH Check:
(512) 424-2365, option 6
Fax: 512-424-2706

FAST Fingerprint Locations
To schedule appointments for the FAST electronic fingerprints
Website: https://uenroll.identogo.com
Customer service center: 888-467-2080

Questions about Rap Back or FACT Clearinghouse
Rap Back Unit, TXDPS – Rap Back Specialist
Email: rapbackunit@dps.texas.gov

What should we do if an applicant cannot locate their form for separation from the military?
If the applicant is unable to locate the form, the individual may request a copy by following the steps described on the military service records page at www.archives.gov. If the form indicates a discharge status other than “Honorable” discharge, the department shall print and complete another standard form located on the military service records page at www.archives.gov and fax to the number indicated to request additional information. The applicant must first sign the form to authorize release of the information to the department.

How long will it take to receive additional information on the discharge?
The archives website states they should have the additional information to you within 2 weeks. However, if the additional information on the discharge has not been received in a timely fashion, you may request an extension to allow more time. Verification that the request for information may be requested prior to the extension being granted.

Does a “General under Honorable Conditions” separation qualify as an “Honorable Discharge”?
No. You must obtain additional detailed information for any discharge status other than “Honorable.”

Does the discharge paper requirement apply only to initial certifications, or does it apply to certification renewals as well?
If a certified officer is called to active duty during a certification period, verification that the officer was honorably discharged will be required and a copy of their separation papers should be provided to you upon their return to work.

How do I change the name of a certified officer in ICIS?
Go to “Current Certified Officers” under “Personnel” on the blue bar on top. Open the officer’s record by clicking on their name. Change the name in their record and click “Save” at the bottom. Then, click on “Notify TJJD of Name Change” on the lower right box.

What if I want to hire a certified officer who used to work at a different county?
Contact the last county of employment and ask them to transfer the officer. They must have separated the officer from employment to do this. Then they will go into their “Archived Personnel” list and open the record. There is a link on the right bottom box that says “Transfer Employee.”

You will go to “Pending” on the blue bar in your ICIS, and click on “Transfer.” You should see the officer’s name and you have the option of accepting or denying the transfer. Once accepted, you will be directed to a Transfer Request form, which you fill out and submit. When the request is approved you will receive a confirmation email from TJJD’s Certification Officer and the record will appear as employed with your county and will be placed on your Current Certified Personnel list.

*If a certified JSO is hired by a department or a private facility other than where the officer received his or her certification, before they may perform the duties at the new facility, the officer must receive facility-specific training in the topics found in Chapter 343.429.

If a certified officer leaves employment and was separated in ICIS, then returns to work, how do we show the individual as currently employed again?
Go into your “Archived Personnel” list under “Personnel” on the blue bar and locate their record. Click their name to open their file. On the upper right corner you will see “This employee is not employed in the current organization…” Click on “What are my options?” From there, you can click on the “Rehire processing” link. This will bring up a Transfer Request form to fill out, and submit. Once the transfer request is approved, ICIS will automatically mark the record as employed in your county and move the file to your “Current Certified Personnel” list.

Should I use the “Archive” or “Separate from Employment” link if an individual leaves employment?
If an individual was never certified, click on “Archive Employee Record.” If, however, they were a certified officer, you must notify TJJD of their separation within 10 days. To do this, click on “Separate from Employment” located in the box near the bottom right side. This will bring up a short form to submit. Once submitted, ICIS will automatically mark the record as “Not Employed” and move it to your Archived Personnel list under “Personnel” on the blue bar.

What if the “Separate from Employment” link is not highlighted and I cannot click on it?
That means you do not have the level of authorization in ICIS to perform that function. Every Chief Administrative Officer has full access in ICIS, and if they would like to designate someone to be able to separate an individual from employment, they can email TJJD to request granting that level of authorization for them.

What should we do if someone who had authorization to use TJJD’s programs leaves employment?
If an individual who had access to any of TJJD’s applications leaves employment, you must notify TJJD as soon as possible.

Contact Information

We are available to help with any questions or concerns; for the fastest response, contact the training staff that best fits your needs.

For General Information

Please select the email below that corresponds to the area of inquiry you have a question about.

For DPS Fingerprinting Information; FAST Process; and FACT Clearinghouse

DPS Crime Records Services
CH records check process; county codes; access to Secure DPS website; or updating an FBI CH Check:
(512) 424-2365, option 6
Fax: 512-424-2706

FAST Fingerprint Locations
To schedule appointments for the FAST electronic fingerprints
Website: https://uenroll.identogo.com
Customer service center: (888) 467-2080

Questions about Rap Back or FACT Clearinghouse
Rap Back Unit, TXDPS – Rap Back Specialist
(512) 424-2746
Email: rapbackunit@dps.texas.gov 

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