The data teams at TJJD collect and analyze information to inform agency leadership on policy and guide the juvenile justice system in Texas. TJJD data provides legislators, government agencies and public stakeholders with an important window into the juvenile justice system in Texas, assisting them as they develop programs and allocate resources.
The data team also tracks county juvenile probation department activities, offenses, adjudications, detention and probation numbers as well as commitments to TJJD and a variety of other demographic data points about justice-involved youth in Texas.
The data team:
- Collects and assesses data received from juvenile probation departments and the state-operated facilities.
- Produces legislatively mandated statistical and narrative reports
- Responds to public information requests
- Provides data analysis to decision-makers within the agency and across Texas
- Offers technical assistance with data and program evaluation
Data and Research
Data Requests – How to request statistical data from TJJD
TJJD maintains juvenile justice information on youth committed to state custody as well as on youth referred to and supervised by juvenile probation departments. The TJJD Legislative Reporting and Statistics Department uses juvenile justice information to produce statutorily required reports and to respond to information requests.
If you are interested in requesting aggregate-level juvenile justice information on youth committed to state custody, please complete and submit the Public Information Request Online Submission Form. If you are interested in requesting aggregate-level juvenile justice information on youth referred to and supervised by juvenile probation departments, please complete and submit the LS-355 Request for Research and Statistical Data Form.
Research Projects – How researchers can work with TJJD’s data
Juvenile justice information on youth committed to state custody is maintained by TJJD for operational, research, and statistical purposes. Juvenile justice information on youth referred to and supervised by juvenile probation departments is maintained by TJJD for research and statistical purposes only.
Juvenile justice information is confidential and protected through numerous state and federal statutes/laws. TJJD may, pursuant to Section 58.009, Family Code, Section 58.005(a-1)(1), Family Code, and Section 203.007, Human Resources Code, grant certain entities access to confidential juvenile justice information for research and statistical purposes, or for any other purpose approved by TJJD, or for a purpose beneficial to and approved by TJJD. Requests for juvenile justice information that meet state statute requirements must also comply with federal human subjects protection requirements, the Code of Federal Regulations 28 CFR §20.21(b)(4)(2020), the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). All personally identifiable information is removed from disseminated juvenile justice information.
All Requesters interested in pursuing a research project with TJJD must submit required documentation, which undergoes a two-stage review and approval process. The duration of this two-stage process typically ranges from six to nine months.
- Project Proposal Packet. All Requesters must submit a complete project proposal packet electronically to
- Research Projects include requests for individual-level juvenile justice information on youth committed to state custody as well as on youth referred to and supervised by juvenile probation departments. Research projects also include requests for youth committed to state custody and/or TJJD staff as research participants.
- A complete Research Project Proposal Packet includes the following items:
- Research Project Proposal – no more than 5 pages in length
- Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval
- Study instruments, surveys, etc. (if applicable)
- Study consent forms (if applicable)
- Research and Analytical Testing System (RATS) Questionnaire
- A complete Research Project Proposal Packet includes the following items:
- Research Projects include requests for individual-level juvenile justice information on youth committed to state custody as well as on youth referred to and supervised by juvenile probation departments. Research projects also include requests for youth committed to state custody and/or TJJD staff as research participants.
- TJJD Review Committee. The TJJD Review Committee conducts the first stage in the review and approval process. The TJJD Review Committee only reviews complete project proposal packets. The TJJD Review Committee judges each project on the strength of the proposal as well as the benefit to TJJD and/or the juvenile justice system.
- Agreement. If the TJJD Review Committee approves the project, the second stage in the review and approval process begins. TJJD and the Requester must enter into a fully executed agreement prior to the commencement of the project and the release of any requested juvenile justice information. Further details will be provided to a Requester with a project approved by the TJJD Review Committee.
- Research by TJJD – The Research Director’s survey results, if publishable, plus past research projects done for academics/other agencies.
Legislative Reports
Statistical Analysis of Complaints
Rider Reports
Reports & Data about TJJD Youth and Trends
Commitment and Admission Data
Report on TJJD Youth Ever in Substitute Care
Report on TJJD Youth Population
Reports to the Governor and Legislative Budget Board
The State of Juvenile Probation Activity in Texas Report
TJJD Reports On Customer Service
Excel for Ad Hoc Reports
November 7, 2017 | 1.00 Hour | Presentation | Handout | Survey
Defining a Program and What Works
March 7, 2017 | 2.00 Hours | Handout
Understanding Risk-Needs-Responsivity and Target Population
March 28, 2017 | 0.75 Hours (0.75 Management Hours) | Handout
Defining Your Problem Statement, Goals and Outcomes
April 5, 2017 | 2.00 Hours | Handout
Defining Program Activities, Program Fidelity, and Program Outputs
April 18, 2017 | 2.00 Hours | 2.00 Hours Mgmt. | Handout
Process Evaluations for Your Programs
May 9, 2017 | 2.00 Hours | 2.00 Hours Mgmt. | Handout
Outcome Evaluations for Your Programs
May 30, 2017 | 1.50 Hours | 1.50 Hours Mgmt. | Handout