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Chapter 3. General Administration
Chapter 5. Agency Supports and Controls
Chapter 7. Internal Reporting and Incident Response
Chapter 9. General Financial Provisions
Chapter 10. Property and Inventory
Chapter 380. Rules for State-Operated Programs and Facilities
Subchapter A: Admission, Placement, Release, and Discharge
Division 2: Commitment and Reception
Division 3: Placement Planning
Division 4: Movement Before Program Completion
Division 5: Program Completion and Release
Division 6: Parole and Discharge
Division 7: Certain Actions by the Executive Director
Subchapter B: Treatment
Division 1: Program Planning
Division 2: Programming for Youth with Specialized Treatment Needs
Subchapter C: Program Services
Division 1: Basic Services
Division 2: Education Programs
Division 3: Youth Employment and Work
Division 4: Health Care Services
Subchapter D: Youth Rights and Remedies
Subchapter E: Behavior Management and Youth Discipline
Division 1: Behavior Management
Division 2: Due Process Hearings
Subchapter F: Security and Control
Subchapter G: General Provisions
Division 1: Youth Records
Division 3: Juvenile Correctional Officers
Chapter 385. Agency Management and Operations
Subchapter B: Interaction With the Public
Subchapter C: Miscellaneous