Office of the Independent Ombudsman

The Independent Ombudsman provides important oversight

The Independent Ombudsman is a state agency established for the purpose of investigating, evaluating, and securing the rights of the children committed to the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD). 

Responsibilities include:

  • Review complaints, other than those alleging criminal behavior, filed with the IO and investigate each complaint in which it appears that a child may be in need of assistance.
  • Review complaints, other than those alleging criminal behavior, filed with the IO and investigate each complaint in which it appears that a child may be in need of assistance.
  • Provide assistance to a child in the custody of TJJD who the IO determines is in need of assistance, including advocating with an agency, provider, or other person in in the best interests of the child.
  • Inspect periodically the facilities and procedures of the facilities where a child in the custody of TJJD has been placed to ensure that the rights of children are fully observed.
  • Review the procedures established by TJJD and evaluate the delivery of services to children to ensure that the rights of children are fully observed.
  • Review reports relating to complaints regarding juvenile probation programs, services, or facilities and analyze the data contained in the reports to identify trends in complaints.
  • Report a possible standards violation by a local juvenile probation department to the appropriate division of the department. 
Sean McCleskey, Independent Ombudsman
Sean McCleskey
Independent Ombudsman

Who is the Independent Ombudsman?

What makes us independent?

The IO reports to the Governor and the Texas Legislature. The IO is not a part of TJJD and does not report to TJJD executive management or the TJJD Board. 

When should you call the Independent Ombudsman?

Before contacting the IO, you should try to resolve complaints through the TJJD grievance process. After going through the grievance process, if the problem remains unsolved, contact the Independent Ombudsman for assistance. When you believe the health, safety, welfare, or rights of a youth in TJJD have been negatively affected, it is important that you call us. 

In accordance with Human Resources Code, §261.101 (g), counties wishing to report a private facility in which they have contracted to place children adjudicated as having engaged in conduct indicating a need for supervision or delinquent conduct can do so by sending an email to  

Human Resources Code, §261.101 (g):

The department and juvenile probation departments shall notify the office regarding any private facility described by Subsection (f)(1) with which the department or the juvenile probation department contracts to place children adjudicated as having engaged in conduct indicating a need for supervision or delinquent conduct. The report under this subsection must be made annually and updated at the time a new contract is entered into with a facility described by this subsection. The office shall adopt rules to implement the reporting requirements under this subsection, including the specific times the report must be made.

Administrative rules regarding this requirement will be posted to this page once they have been adopted. Questions regarding this requirement can be sent to



Quarterly Reports

FY 2023
FY 2022
FY 2021

Contact Information

Toll free: (855) 468-7330
Austin: (512) 490-7973
Fax: (512) 490-7626

Independent Ombudsman for TJJD
1801 N. Congress, Suite 13.1400
Austin, Texas 78701

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