Compact With Texans

Community-Based Programs and Services

The Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD) works in partnership with local juvenile boards and juvenile probation departments to support and enhance juvenile probation services throughout the state by providing funding, technical assistance, and training; establishing and enforcing standards; collecting, analyzing and disseminating information; and facilitating communication between state and local entities. TJJD provides services within a network of 254 counties, 164 juvenile probation departments, and 172 juvenile boards, while serving 100% of the population of juvenile offenders in the state of Texas.

Community-Based Services Customer Service Principles

The actions of our agency impact the juvenile justice field, children, the public, and state government entities. Specifically, relating to the following customers and stakeholder groups: 

With regard to the juvenile justice field, TJJD values:

  • The need for local solutions for local problems
  • Limited and efficient state government
  • Timely and professional customer service
  • The field’s involvement in agency decision making
  • Cooperative and personal relationships

With regard to agency facilities, TJJD values:

  • Providing innovative training, technical assistance and support to local authorities to maximize agency accessibility and availability

With regard to agency staff, TJJD values:

  • Professional competence
  • Employee commitment to customer service principles

With regard to the children of Texas, TJJD values:

  • The care, protection, and the mental and physical development of children
  • Early identification and intervention for children at risk
  • The supervision of children within the context of community and family whenever possible
  • The safety, supervision, and appropriate treatment of children who need to be removed from the home

With regard to the general public and citizens of Texas, TJJD values: 

  • Citizen protection and safety
  • The efficient use of tax dollars
  • Accountability for outcomes
  • Open access to juvenile justice information

With regard to state government entities, TJJD values:

  • Cooperation and collaboration
  • Positive interaction with state leadership resulting in sound policy and budgeting decisions

State-Based Institutions, Programs and Services

The mission of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department, as the state’s juvenile corrections agency, is to promote public safety by partnering with youth, families, and communities to provide a safe environment where youth in the agency’s care and custody receive individualized education, treatment, life skills and employment training, and positive role models to facilitate successful community reintegration.

Texans have a right to expect from TJJD:

  • Safe, secure and well-ordered facilities operated under best juvenile correctional practices;
  • Education and rehabilitation programs that provide youth with the tools necessary to succeed;
  • Prompt, thorough, and courteous responses to requests for information;
  • An organizational infrastructure that is accountable and efficient; and
  • Highly trained professional staff.

TJJD’s Value Statements are the basis of the agency’s customer service standards

  • A transparent system of operations that embraces integrity and accountability to ensure safe and secure environments for youth entrusted to the agency’s care;
  • Basic and fundamental rights for youth with regard to fair and equal treatment, education, and the ability to achieve their full potentials;
  • Dignity, fairness, and respect must be afforded to all people including youth, their families, victims, staff, and volunteers; and,
  • The power of positive transformation relies on individual and collective accountability, personal and public integrity, and leading through example.

Customer Service Standards

Youth and the Public: Alleged wrongdoing can be reported by anyone, including youth in secure/non-secure facilities and the general public, to the agency’s toll free hotline numbers: 

1 (866) 477-8354 for Secure facilities 

1 (877) 786-7263 for Community-Based facilities 

Criminal allegations are investigated by the agency’s independent Office of the Inspector General. Non-criminal allegations are addressed through the agency’s administrative investigation process under General Administrative Policy 93.33, or through the grievance process for youths, parents of youths, and youth advocates under General Administrative Policy 93.31. Youth in every TJJD and contract facility have access to the agency’s grievance system through the toll free number, agency forms, the Office of the Independent Ombudsman, and written or verbal communication with agency staff. 

Parents and Families

The agency recognizes family involvement as a critical component in the success of its youth rehabilitation programs. TJJD implemented the Parents’ Bill of Rights to empower families of youth committed to the agency’s care. Family Reentry Enrichment Specialists (FRES) are available to provide services and access to resources for any family member or guardian using the contact information in this Compact. 


TJJD is committed to providing victims of juvenile crime their rights under the law, ensuring that they are informed, involved, and treated with dignity, fairness and respect. Victim Liaisons are available to provide services and access to resources by using the contact information in this Compact. 


TJJD actively recruits and supports volunteer projects and contributions at all of its locations. Volunteers are provided safe and supportive environments and are offered opportunities to assist the agency in achieving its mission of having a positive impact on the lives of youth. 

Business Customers

TJJD complies with all applicable procurement laws and adheres to or exceeds industry standards to ensure that all potential business partners have equal competitive opportunities. 

All customers will be afforded prompt responses to their requests relative to needs for agency access and services. Complaints will be responded to in a prompt manner. Non-emergency allegations, requests for services, and other correspondence along with formal written complaints may be directed to the agency’s Public Information Officer or Customer Service Representative at the following address: 

Public Information Officer or Customer Service Representative 
Texas Juvenile Justice Department 
P. O. Box 12757 
Austin, Texas 78711-2757

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